Bridging The Gap

I have written this article for the high performers that feel they have lost that “fire” and motivation to workout and stay in shape. As you could imagine I get a lot of men say when they talk to me on zoom that they haven’t been as consistent as they’d like. They feel like motivation … Read more

Good vs. Great

If you’re training with enough consistency most people can make progress in the gym. Train a little harder, eat a little less (or more – depending on the goal) and MOST will see something change.  But after working with over 200 men looking to get in the best shape of their life, the willingness to … Read more

The 3 Ways You’re Sabotaging Fat Loss

When you are trying to lose fat it can feel like the world is working against you, and it is. In this article, I want to uncover 3 ways you are sabotaging yourself and how you can upgrade yourself and ENJOY this journey WARNING: These 3 points might cause you to question your whole world … Read more

How much should I exercise?

How often do I need to be exercising to get in great shape? Without using my normal answer – it depends. But for resistance training I am going to give you a range of 3-5 a week. – this could be anywhere from 60mins(3x20mins) to 5hrs total a week. Now there are probably going to … Read more

The 3 Common Pitfalls

I talk to individuals every week that are struggling with their training, energy and generally not feeling great in their own skin. In this post I am going to share 3 common pitfalls I see most that I’m sure many of you are making too. Problem No.1 – Calorie counting vs. finding the foods and … Read more

Letter To Millennials

Dear Millennial, You are perfect the way you are, but you can always be better…. We live in a world where everything is so instant. Everything EXCEPT the things that truly matter. There is a (perceived) pressure from every direction telling you that you need to act or be a certain way. This need to … Read more

What is the best diet to follow?

Today, I want to go through how to identify the best way of eating for you right now. I want to help remove the stress, lack of long-term results, and confusion that comes from this “diet culture” and instead create an understanding that will help you build your personal game plan. First I will start … Read more

The Missing Link In Building Symmetry and Size

If you are struggling to build a balanced and muscular physique, no matter how much you work or how many hours you put in. I KNOW this article is going to help by diving into a crucial aspect you are missing and why progress has stalled. Before we dive into the issue, we need to … Read more

Re-learn Your Definition Of Selfish

If you are having trouble hitting the goals you have set out for yourself, this article could very well uncover a BIG reason this is happening. I talk to so many good “intentioned” people that are fighting an unwinnable battle because their biggest enemy in the fight is THEMSELVES. If you feel that you are … Read more